Selasa, 11 September 2007

Princessa Camille (CND)

September nineth two thousand and seven

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Am I a bad person? I don't have a boyfriend. I don't really want one, but I know the benefits of have a male companion, and I am not talking about sexual stuff here. Male friends are nice to have. A few months ago, I joined a dating service, the ones where you can make a free profile and send pre-written note to others, but you have to pay for to actually contact them. I joined one, made a profile, but up I picture that I knew I looked good in, and I found a way to sneak an msn address (one i made specially for this purpose) in so no one had to pay to contact me. I got a lot of hits and quite a few guys added me to their msn. I weeded though them, eliminated the ugly, the needy, etc etc. Which left me with two people on my msn list. One which I've been talking to for a good couple of weeks now. I don't really like guys that are super into me, weird, but it's just not that appealing. After talking to this dude for a little, he gave me his number said to call him tomorrow. I thought, hey this guy is cool, I gave him my number as well, said I'd call him.
OK so he told me he is an aspiring rapper, and he is really cute, kinda funny. This was what I got out of our first conversation.
The next day came, and I was ready to call him, I got nervous, and then decided not to. I told myself I was crazy for even thinking about calling some dude I met on the Internet.
I forgot about the dude, whose name, or I guess his rapper alias is Tommy g.
About a week later, HE called me. I didn't expect it, cause he didn't really seem all that interested, told me I was cute, but didn't have much else to say.
Our first conversation was good, we had to call each other back cause he was at some kinda party or something. Our conversation ended by him telling me he was going to call back when he got home, but he never did. I let it go, I am not one of those girls who fuses about when the guy was suppose to call. And at least he actually called, I didn't even dial the number.
Our conversations were far between, every couple of days.
One of our conversations we were talking about facebook, I never really asked him if he had it but he kinda stated that he should get it to keep in touch with family or something.
Later that same week I was on facebook, something inside me said, girl, type his name in search. Low and behold, the fourth search return was HIM. I new cause he used one of the same picture for his profile that he does for msn and the dating service (mistake number one). He didn't have any restrictions on who could view his page (mistake number two). So i helped myself.
Now during our first conversation he asked if I had a boyfriend, naturally I repeated the question. He told me he was talking to someone, but it wasn't serious (really I knew it meant he probably had a girl). Now I am not big on monogamous girlfriend boyfriend relationships, so if had a girlfriend I probably would still talk to him.
Back to the facebook page. Now the whole rapper thing he told me was confirmed because it was all over his page, about his upcoming show ( the one I couldn't go to cause it was supposedly 21 and over,... lie # 1). My thought about him probably have a girlfriend was confirmed, it stated quite boldly that he was in a relationship, and with whom. (I am much prettier, so I can see why he was attracted ;).....This is lie numero 2) Now the second one isn't really a lie, but its, well, I don't know. His girlfriend was pregnant, she had the baby now, but definitely pregnant when we started talking.
And I know they are still together because I saw when new pictures where added, him the girl and their new baby boy.
So back to my question, am i a bad person? Not for originally talking to him, but for still talking to him after the fact. We haven't done anything, we haven't even really met in person, just occasionally speak on the phone and msn. He doesn't know that I know, although his facebook has now recently been changed to restricted access. (now i can't check up on him) And I highly doubt that I am the only girl he is talking to "on the side" But if we just stay friends, just talking, it OK right?

Posted by princesacamille on 2007-09-09 20:10:01

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